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ICT companies catalogue
The Project
Find your partner / Think Up – Advanced ICT solutions from Torino Piemonte
We offer international buyers a reserved lane to meet 70 excellent Piedmontese ICT companies and develop business and cooperation.
Companies are selected on the basis of strict and objective evaluation parameters (technology and innovation, project development skills, structured staff for the management of business relations with foreign partners).
The companies cover many segments of production and show a wide range of offer:
- Energy & environment: smart metering, smart grid, monitoring & optimization solutions
- E-health: hospital management system, emergency management system, fragile people monitoring, telemonitoring, physical rehabilitation, neurological recovery, pharmacies solutions
- Finance: trading online, mobile banking, mobile payments, compliance, banking systems, insurance systems, business intelligence, data quality, security
- ITS – Intelligent Transport System: traffic & congestion management, entertainment services, road maintenance, road/park/public electronic payments, fleet management, infrastructures
- Multimedia/Cinema and Games: audio/video digital preservation, 3D tv & connected tv, advanced digital signage, augmented virtual reality, multi-touch devices, natural language comprehension, user experiences, animation and computer graphics, educational and e-learning
- Process & Management: BPM, BPO, ERP, CRM, HRM
- Security: video recorded surveillance, fire detection, intrusion detection, access control, biometrics solutions, intelligent building management system, advanced logical solutions, proactive and process, solutions, accident prevention
- Tourism: destination management system, booking online, mobile solutions, semantic engine portals, virtual tour & 3D animation, interactive experience
- Transport and Logistics: supply chain management, data warehouse, workflow management, tracking.
Our Team’s assistance is completely free-of-charge. The Team ascertains international players’ needs and upon request suggests possible suppliers and arranges matchmaking activities such as: organization of b2b meetings in Piemonte or on one’s premises, visits to local companies to discover the region’s ICT sector, participation in international events and trade missions to connect demands and supplies.
Discover the complete offer provided by Think Up members in the capability matrix
find the right partner for your business
For more information on the ICT sector in Piemonte download the leaflet.
- TOSM 2013 e-Health and e-Welfare – Torino, 2-3 December
- TOSM 2013 ITS – Torino, 26-27 September
- TOSM 2012 e-Health and e-Welfare – Torino, 4-5 December
Think Up cluster presentations:
- E-Health
- Security
- Smart Mobility & ITS
- Tourism
All activities are run by Piemonte Agency, promoted by Regione Piemonte and co-financed by the Development and Cohesion Fund.